Friday, February 29, 2008

Go Now

Should I stay or should I GO NOW! My sister was right. Debating whether or not I should go home to see her and mother is a fool's arguement. I got 2/3 of the days off I requested and I can swap Good Friday for the one I didn't get. I searched again on and found an even lower fare (maybe the lowest yet?) through to Boston. I might even rent a car with the money I saved. So for now on my rare night home alone at my pension in San Borja--I'm going to try to organize myself a bit to make sure I make the best of my short time at home. The countdown starts: 21 days. Damn--3 weeks---I got a lot to do.


kathwins said...

silly bingus, I'll see you soon.

PasajeraEnTransito said...

Cool! you'll be able to come and see your family,even if is for just a few days. Have you try Farechase from Yahoo? you get good deals there too.